***Are you afraid to say anything out of fear of a keel haul? and
***Do you get quezzy watching your Fast Sailing Skipper approach the dock?
***Are you interested in making certain your skipper comes in slow to the dock?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then you need one of MainSail Charters & Research’s Tee Shirts to wear so that when you have your back to the skipper (to hide your fear of hitting the fast approaching dock) you can remind him or her in a most casual and unobtrusive manner to slow down. You can just contact us to get you that reminder.
Remember: “A good docking is seen by none but a dock crash is seen by all!!”
Save your self and your skipper that latter scene and embarrassment. Get your own “Sail Fast” buuut… “Dock Slow” TEE Shirt today.
E-mail us (copy and paste)
Captainbill@starboardbeam.com or
or give us a call at 240-401-4464 on how to get your reminder shirt today!!
Be sure and put “TEE SHIRT” in the subject line and hurry soon and we can hopefully get it to you before the sailing season is underway or you crash into the dock or worse.
Or you can call us on the telephone at: 240-401-4464
And remember, but only as a reminder once again:
A good docking is seen by none but a dock crash is seen by all.
Save your self and your skipper that latter scene and embarrassment.
Get that “Sail Fast” buuut… “Dock Slow” TEE Shirt.
Are you interested in other gifts and items for all occasions? Then check out ZAZZLE
They have some real cool items at really good prices.
SPECIAL BONUS: FREE FREE FREE SPRING TIME OFFER!! For every “Sail Fast” buuut “Dock Slow” Tee Shirt you purchase; as a Special Spring Time Offer – Get a FREE Socks Burning Starter Kit free AND, within the next ten minutes, if you hurry now, for one lowly dollar more, you can get the Deluxe Socks Burning Starter Kit at no extra shipping and handling cost to you.
Click the link here: to see us on Facebook.
Marine and Nautical Art and Scenes
Featuring the works of Ms. Judy Bales
SailOnDreamCatcher.com is a website of MainSail Charters & Research, LLC
Copyright 2014
Our TEE Shirts not only inform your skipper to slow down at a crucial time, but also they come in a variety of colors:

***Texas Orange
***Metro Blue
***Iris Blue
***Cherry Red and
***Galapagos Blue
And a variety of Sizes: Small, Medium and Large
All TEE Shirts are $25.00 for individual shirts, but if you purchase two (2) or more, your price will be $20.00 each. To purchase, send us an e-mail to: Captainbill@starboardbeam.com or captainjeff@starboardbeam.com
Please indicate your size and color preference an alternative color and size preference. See the TEE Shirt Pictures page for colors, sizes and stock availability. All proceeds from the sale of our shirts go to provisioning and maintaining our boats, company and other things.
For every “Sail Fast” buuut “Dock Slow” Tee Shirt you purchase in the Spring, as a Special Spring Time Offer – Get a FREE Socks Burning Starter Kit free or for one lowly dollar more, get a Deluxe Socks Burning Starter Kit at no extra shipping and handling cost to you.
Interested in other gifts and items for all occasions? Then check out ZAZZLE for some real cool items at really good prices.